I spun this deep purple yarn from fibre I picked up at Wellington Fibres. They have such an amazing selection of fibres in wonderful colours and blends. This one - appropriately called fresh fig - jumped out at me right away. Ever since I learned how to spin, I wanted to make something special for a good friend who's a super talented, and prolific, knitter. I knew this box of purple fibre would be the inspiration I needed to get back to the spinning wheel.
Once there, I soon realized I still have a lot to learn. The double-ply yarn turned out pretty well, for a novice. And I figured out a lot of stuff along the way. I certainly got good at checking my wraps per inch to get a consistent yarn. As a treat to myself after finishing, I got a plying bobbin to make the next skein go easier. Plus, I got a special flyer to spin bulky and novelty yarn. But I think I'll need a bit more practice with the basics before I get wild!