Sunday, March 7, 2010

Big, little and zippered

This weekend my ever-talented mom came to my place for a sewing lesson. She helped me make a little fabric basket and a zippered pouch. Today on my own I made a jumbo-sized version of the basket. Of course once I got started I completely forgot how to put it together. Call it a case of brain freeze. A quick consultation with my on-call crafting guru (aka mom) and suddenly the solution was obvious. Too bad the good sewing juju didn't last to my next attempt to recreate the zippered pouch. Sigh. I'm going to need another phone consultation and maybe a brain transplant.

I think they look pretty amazing. And at this magnification you can't see my wonky sewing. Ariel seem impressed and came in for a closer look - then climb into the big basket, of course. She also sat on the fabric being cut, sniffed the bobbin was it was winding, then practically sat on the sewing machine. So helpful.


  1. oh my! AMAZING! Will you teach me how to make the basket? I love it!
