Friday, December 24, 2010

Crafty sleuthing

My mom recently went to a gathering and was admiring a woman's lovely beaded pendant. Being a crafty person who can't stop themselves from wanting to figure out how something is made, my mom asked the woman about the pattern. But she simply refused to reveal anything. Odd. The next time my mom and I got together, she tried to explain what the pendant looked like - even making a little sketch. I couldn't quite figure it out from the pencil scratchings, but a simple google search found the exact pendant in seconds. "That's it!" my mom exclaimed. God bless the internet!

So here's the one I made. It's a very simple design, although rather fiddly because you're stitching together three rings. It's difficult to see in the photo, but there are two rings on the inside next to each other.

I really could have used larger crystals, but generally it looks good. Of course you can't go too wrong with sparkle. I think I'll try a couple more variations with different focal beads. I just need to rummage through my stash a bit. But for now I must go and wrap the pendant for a stocking present tonight. Ah, what would I do without the last minute?

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