Thursday, December 9, 2010

Heaven and Hell

I've noticed two extremes when I'm at the sewing machine. If I'm not cursing at yet another stupid mistake, then I'm heartily praying what I'm doing is going to work out. Why, oh why does it only take seconds to sew a hem and then many tedious minutes to rip it out?! At least more often now I see the impending mistake before I sew it in. Progress!

This lunch set - complete with my should-be patented placemat and napkin combo, and lunch bag - went surprisingly well.

The lunch bag is my own design with an idea borrowed from this nifty pattern for fabric produce bags. Instead of just one layer of fabric, I lined mine with a complimentary fabric.

In the end, the rapid-fire swearing and pleading behind me, I'm pretty happy with how this turned out - even when you look close!

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